Wellness is the new way of looking at health. Gone is the strict dieting and focus on disease management. It’s now about achieving a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. It’s a state of positive health in the individual, comprising biological and psychological well-being as exemplified by quality of life.
So what does that mean for onsite food service? We need to think about healthy dining in a different way. Menu items and programs focusing on nutrition that impacts not only physical wellbeing (such as maximizing energy, achieving weight control, managing diabetes or heart health)… but also ones that have a positive impact on mental and spiritual well-being to maximize quality of life. It’s more about balance, nutrient-dense foods – a focus on the goodness of the ingredients rather than what the menu item in “low” in, it’s about satisfaction, and the right mix of health and indulgence.
That’s where the Food Service Wellness Institute comes in!
We are advancing the field of wellness within our industry, through sound, credible resources and education, through knowledge creation, and through brokering new and empowering connections.
Get credible, current, and meaningful wellness education, tools, and resources specifically tailored for food service to support your wellness initiatives. Our wellness guidelines and standards including certification, product and menu guidelines, strengthen and enhance the delivery of onsite solutions to maximize success.
Visit us today at www.foodservicewellnessinsitute.com