To Facilitate Healthier Dining in Businesses, Hospitals, Schools, and Senior Living Facilities, we are pleased to announce the official launch of The Food Service Wellness Institute™ (FSWI) the onsite food service industry's leading vehicle for national wellness certification, education, standards, and resources.

The institute was founded to guide and empower food service industry professionals with essential tools, resources, and expertise to deliver wellness solutions with command and confidence. It is shaping the future of wellness for the industry by forming a united front to seize opportunities, address concerns, and influence change.
“Health and wellness are some of the most important trends in the onsite food service industry, and there is tremendous pressure to deliver, but there are also big obstacles. Evolving changes in how the consumer views wellness and huge disparities among industry professionals about how to best address it, even within the same organization, adds confusion and complexity,” said Franceen Friefeld, RD., LD., P.H.Ec., leading food industry dietitian-nutritionist, CEO and Board Chair of The Food Service Wellness Institute™.
Approved by the American Culinary Federation (ACF), The Association for Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals (ANFP) and The Certifying Board for Dietary Managers (CBDM), the Food Service Wellness Online Certification Course provides the industry with a needed resource and a strong standard for training. It's the first-ever wellness course that is specifically tailored to onsite foodservice and that also offers wellness certification. The course was developed through the expertise of foodservice and nutrition professionals who have compiled best practices from years of developing and implementing healthy dining and wellness initiatives nationwide.
About The Food Service Wellness Institute™
The Food Service Wellness Institute™ exists to advance the field of wellness within the food service industry through sound, credible resources and education, through knowledge creation, and through brokering new and empowering connections.
The Food Service Wellness Training and Certification course is designed for chefs, managers, supervisors, support staff, and anyone involved with healthy dining and wellness for onsite foodservice. It’s a comprehensive, efficient way to become wellness certified with the FSWC designation - an established wellness standard for the industry, while obtaining continuing education credits. Learn more:
About Franceen Friefeld, (CEO and Board Chair of The Food Service Wellness Institute™)
Franceen’s work is backed by over 33 years of experience as a leading dietitian in the foodservice arena, professional speaker, 3-time published author, media professional, and TV food show host. As a food industry’s nutrition leader, Franceen has implemented healthy dining and wellness programs in over 6,000 locations across North America.
Franceen supports organizations with wellness strategy, positioning and programming. In line with her mission to inspire engagement and healthy change, she offers consumer-centric solutions that drive participation, sales, and customer retention and ensures that organizational changes to incorporate wellness are healthy, sustainable, and profitable.
Cited as one of the top speakers and wellness strategists for the foodservice industry, Franceen is an empowering and entertaining speaker who presents at conferences and corporations nationwide. She brings her food industry inside knowledge to audiences through her public speaking, books, and broadcast media appearances.
Franceen is the co-author of "The Healthy Weigh" (featured on bestsellers) and "Fill Up Not Out®": which has been rated one of the top nutrition books by Her third, most recent book is titled "Healthy Meals for Your Busy Life Cookbook."