Customer Educational Programs
“Did You Know?” Healthy Dining Educational Program
This program delivers educational snippets to your customers that are easy to read and apply.
They are presented through signs at “teachable moments” meaning in areas of your café that present good opportunities for teaching customers how to make healthier choices. Such places include the deli, the grill, the stir fry station, near the breakfast cereals, next to the fruits and/or salad bar, and more.
There are 15 signs in all.
All are customizable to include your organization and /or program name if desired.
Articles- Nutrition Hot Topics
This program series features over twenty educational articles on nutrition “hot topics” to be handed out to customers in the café, or posted on the company website. Examples of topics include "Healthy Snacking", "The Lowdown on the Nutrition Label", "Natural versus Added Sugars", "The Truth about Gluten", "Protein, Are You Getting Enough?", Sneaking in Super Foods, and much more! All the handouts are customizable to include your organization and /or program name if desired.